Episode 016

LinkedIn - Engagement and Connections [CAREER]


September 23rd, 2020

13 mins 48 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

In our LinkedIn engagement and connections episode we go through some best practices and bad practices to avoid.

Just like in networking, the answer to any "how to network" question on LinkedIn is to "care". You just have to adapt "care" for your particular circumstances.

If you compare your current interactions on LinkedIn to a comparable situation in "dating" then you can gauge how effective you are being.

Connections are one of the most powerful features of LinkedIn, so make sure you build and leverage them. Get some insights on making the connections more meaningful throughbuilding rapport.
Then build the relationship overall over time.

Listen to the episode for more details!

Special thanks to https://www.instagram.com/lincolnalexanderthe2nd/ for the theme music

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